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Chasing Away the Winter Blues

Writer's picture: Marquita KlinedinstMarquita Klinedinst

It’s that time of year when many of us may experience what is called the “winter blues”. Everyone has come through the holiday season with all the lights, festivities, and good times with family and friends.


Then January comes – everything looks b-l-a-h, feels cold, and it can be a struggle just to get out of bed in the morning. Sound familiar? Well, there is GOOD news – I’d like to share a few tips that have helped me to chase away the winter blues.


1.     Keep up some of those holiday lights. I have a string of white lights hung across our front porch and another in our breakfast nook area. The winter months have shorter daylight hours so darkness is more prevalent. Having some cheery lights on 24/7 keeps the home atmosphere looking warm and cozy.


2.     Experiment with new recipes for soups and casseroles. Winter is a great season to spend time in the kitchen. And you end up with great food to soothe your insides-not to mention the great smells that fill your house. Here’s a great Potato Leek Soup recipe to try – and you can always share the results of your cooking with a neighbor to help brighten their day too.


3.     Take time to write cards and letters to family and friends you don’t get to see very often. Focusing on bringing cheer to others inevitably lifts our own spirits. Who doesn't like getting a surprise letter or card in their mailbox?


4.     Take up a new hobby. Engage in some interests that will help expand your mind, keep you active, and trying new things. Winter is a great time for me to catch up on some reading, work on those cross-stitching pieces, and scrapbooking helps to get those photos organized.

5.     Keep a journal. Write a new Bible promise in it each day. Ask God to make the promise real for you. This helps to train our minds to be focused on praise and thanksgiving. A grateful mind helps the rest of the body to function more healthfully.


So friend, my prayer is these tips will be a springboard of more ideas to help you through these winter months. Feel free to share some of your own tips in the comments section. As always, know how much God loves you and you are always on His mind and in His heart.

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Feb 03, 2024
Rated 4 out of 5 stars.

I enjoyed very much the tip you share about the winter months. I am always planning to travel somewhere else instead of staying home. Now, you shared that idea... it almost sounds perfect for me.

Thank you,


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